Saturday, May 23, 2009

maggie's farm

This song was the inspiration for my blogs title. You may be asking yourself,
"why would she pick such an " outdated song"?" The answer is simple. It describes exactly how I feel about society or at least how I feel society should be. I hear people of my generation often complaining about the lack of opportunities that we are presented with. Yet, I have yet seen one person stand up for the rights that we have. I am not saying that I, myself, do not complain about the same trivial concepts as my peers, but what I am saying is it is about time we did something about it. Instead of allowing ourselves to " work on Maggie's farm", we should be standing up to the injustices that we face on a daily basis. Instead of complaining about our rights not being heard, we should stand up for our rights. My generation should take a lesson from the generations that came before us. Instead of being " hipsters", or a subculture of middle to upper class youth who pride themselves on being ironic, their love of coffee, plaid shirts, and obscure music, films and books; my generation should be more like " hippies", or the subculture of youth in the 1960's that rejected established institutions and values, prided themselves on love and togetherness and allowed their voices to be heard through protests, songs and various writings. The main difference I see between " hipsters" and " hippies", is the fact that " hipsters" do nothing about the problems they complain about. They sit in their coffee shops criticizing the world around them and yet do nothing to change it. It has become a vicious cycle of apathy towards our way of life. Instead of meeting at coffee shops to complain, we should be meeting to talk about ideas for change. We should be planning protests, we should be writing songs, we should be writing what we want to happen. We shouldn't settle for a lifestyle we feel is not fit. My generation should reject the societal norms and ideas that suppress us, instead of being content with them. The generation I am apart of should think about the life that they are leading. They should ponder the possibilities of what life would be like if we " didn't want to work for Maggie's farm no more".


  1. christine. you're a genius.
    also, sorry i was not at my house tonight? ha i was expecting a call or text. i bet i missed a grand adventure.
    and in response to this post: do you have any specific things you'd like to change? i mean i am not entirely impressed with obama's job thus far. what do you think should change?

  2. haha kg, we pretty much just decided to legit kidnap you. so I mean it was a 50/50 shot of it actually working. hahaha
    and yes I do have a few thoughts on what needs to be changed. Like you I am not entirely impressed with Obama's job, but at the same time he hasn't been in long enough for us to really see the impact that is attempting to be made. I think that we really need to focus on energy conservation and the environment for one. I think we need to stop using coal and start investing in solar and wind power to power our country. Not only do I think it will create jobs and help the economy but also it would help clean up the air and create a more positive, healthy atmosphere. I also think that we need to legalize gay marriage in all states. Church and state should be completely separate. No matter what. I think it is absurd that we are still dealing with this blatant ignorance and nonacceptance. I also think that marijuana should be legalized. I think that though it may be tedious and costly, it will pay off in the future. I think that by legalizing the drug, it would once again create jobs, cut down on violence and also cut costs for the jail system. To me, it just seems like the natural choice to legalize it.It would benefit our country as long as it is regulated properly. Those are just a few of the issues I feel strong about. I just really think , if you are passionate enough about a topic, you should try to change it. One voice can go a long way, I don't think anyone truly realizes that enough.
