Saturday, May 23, 2009

Religion. What is it?

Who are you to say to me that I am nothing new?
Did you ever take the precious time to step back from that pew?
Who are you to say to me that you are better suited?
Did you ever think that maybe your glorious thoughts should be muted?
Who are to say to me that book should be my life?
Did you ever see the pain of countries struggling strife?
Who are you to tell me my life is full of sin?
Did you ever stop and look at just who you have been?
Who are you to tell me the truth has already been found?
Did you ever really think about what happens when you're in the ground?
Before you sit and judge me, point your fingers back at you
Because in the end, none of us have a clue.

That poem was written a few months ago and I feel it pretty much describes my views on religion. For years I have struggled with my faith. Growing up in a household that was not based on religion or religious teachings, it has been hard for me to grasp many of the main ideals and concepts the majority of society is based on. I call myself " agnostic"because I simply do not know what to believe. I have been to church, youth groups, read religious teachings and books and even attend a Catholic university. Yet, I am still unsure what to believe. All religions claim to be the " right one". If that was true, then all religions would be wrong. There are too many people, too many different people, for only one faith to be the " right " one. To me, religion is something between you and the higher being. It is not something that should be boasted or forced on others. It is about a relationship that you have with the higher being. Religion should be something that protects you, that allows you to feel safe. It should be something that accepts you no matter what and something that does not pass judgment. No one in this world is perfect. No one is morally sound. We all have our imperfections, our flaws. Why do some people of faith believe they are better than others? Why do some people of faith cast the first stone of disapproval? Those are questions that I ponder on an almost daily basis. It baffles me that someone whom I have never had a true conversation with, can sit back and judge the type of person I am simply because I have a differing view of faith than they do. On more than one occasion, this has happened. Just because I am different, it automatically makes me a " sinner" or a " non believer". I am not going to try to say that I have never passed judgment on someone, but what I am saying, is religion, faith, should not be about the negative aspects of a persons character, or how other people choose to live their life. It should be about you and God. Simple as that. A person of faith should not focus on the things, the people, that they cannot change. Instead, they should focus on making their bond stronger. They should realize that everyone is different. Everyone has different beliefs and views on life. A person should not pass judgment on a person simply because they do not understand their way of living. Instead, they should realize the differences that make this world of ours go round. Faith is not something that should be forced on someone. It is not something that should be used as a catalyst for hate. To me, faith is something that should be accepted by the individual and used for love and a sense of security. Often times, people who are in my position are faced with challenges when they are face to face with people of faith. Those challenges often make them question religion and in certain cases make them afraid or have a dislike towards the topic. Religion should not have that affect on a person. Instead of people of faith and non faith battling over who is right, they should take a step back and try to understand where the other group is coming from. They both should realize that religion is something that is intended for good not for hatred. It is not suppose to be used as a tool to instill fear in the " non believers". It should not be used to separate the human race. I think that until this is realized, the battle of religion will continue. Until people actua
lly realize others beliefs, there will be no resolution in the nearing future. Though some may view that as a pessimistic outlook, it is one of truth.

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