Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Often times in today's society and world, I feel that many people do not view life in the way that they should. We live our lives day to day not realizing what it could be or what it should be. We often settle for something because it seems easy or perhaps the only option. Instead, we should realize that we only get one chance to make things happen. To make life what it should be. When I ask my peers why they are studying what they are, I often hear " because I know I'll be safe, secure and wealthy." I rarely hear " because it makes me happy." The sad thing is, people of my generation and of today's society do not necessarily grasp that what you do for a living does indeed make you who you are. Most Americans work roughly eight hours out of the day and sleep eight hours out of the day meaning there is only eight more hours to enjoy free time. I never understand and believe I never will understand, why someone would want to spend roughly a third of their life on doing something they truly do not love. Life should be filled with passion, curiosity, happiness and endless possibilities. Some may call my " philosophy" that of a dreamer. Which to some maybe I am. What I am trying to say is that life is too short to do something for money or safety. People should do something with their lives that they love. You cannot take money with you when you die. Though, money does run our lives, it shouldn't dictate what we do. If you are happy with who you are and what you do then it should not matter how much money you make. Life should not be about the pay check you bring home every week, it should be about the memories you make. No one should cut themselves short and think that they can only do one thing with their life. We live so long yet so short. There is no time to dwell on what should have been. I feel that today's society is a negative and regretful place that has no hope for themselves or the future. We, as a society, spend too much time worrying about what should have been or what could have been instead of focusing on what we, as a people, have. Though it may sound rather cliche, people should open their eyes to the endless possibilities in front of them. They should truly think about who they are and what they want to become and not just do what is the easiest or the safest thing. We only get one chance to live our lives. Why not make it the best we can?

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